Glass & Ceramic Design
Ceramic is a broad term that includes a variety of materials like porcelain and terracotta. One of the most ancient industries on the planet, ceramics are created from clay that is mixed with water, shaped and fired at high temperatures. Ceramics designers (a.k.a. ceramicists) work with clay, porcelain, bone china and stoneware to design and create pottery items, sculptures, homeware (i.e. tiles and flooring), tableware and cookware. These artists don’t just make these pieces, however; they also glaze, paint and decorate the finished products.
A glass designer a.k.a Glass Blower works with glass to render it usable for various industries and for aesthetic purposes. They mould glasses to make glassware, stemware, and giftware, crafted glass windows, ornate items, glass instruments in laboratories and factories, and work with individual artists in their design studios.